“To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least-recognized need of the human soul.” -Simone Weil
When I see a plant and begin to think of how it relates to a person’s life, the first thing that comes to my mind is the plant’s roots. One of the main life sources for a plant comes from the water and nutrients it receives through its roots. If the plant isn’t rooted well in its environment, it will eventually die. If you read my prior blog about plants, you know that I saw this first hand in my lavender plant. The plant was given too much water too quickly, and was in too large of a pot. This led to root rot and eventually a dying plant. In order for a plant to thrive, its roots have to be deep, wide, and in a pot that allows for growth. This is true in a person’s life as well.
Deeply Rooted
First, a plant’s roots have to be deep. No plant is automatically rooted deeply, but this is the goal and it is necessary for a plant to live and grow. After a seed starts to sprout, the roots produced are small and shallow. As the plant gets sun and water, the roots will grow larger and go deeper into the soil. This creates strength and stability.
If the plant faces wind or heavy rain, it is able to withstand them because the roots are strong enough to support the plant. Even if the top of the plant is destroyed, the plant will often come back even larger if the roots are deep. Deep roots create a firm foundation for the plant. In my own life, I am deeply rooted in Christ and this is a relationship that is constantly growing. My relationship with Jesus is the relationship that sustains my life and provides hope and joy, even in tough times.
Related Post: Reckless Love
Roots Spread Wide
Second, a plant’s roots have to be wide. In a similar fashion, this happens over time and creates strength and stability for the plant. When I think of having wide roots in my own life, I think of linking myself to a strong community of people. For me, this includes my family, my boyfriend, and several close friends. These people provide encouragement, support, and even tough love at times. Because I have these people in my life, I am better able to weather storms I face.
The Perfect Pot
Lastly, a plant’s roots have to have enough room to continue growing. A small plant in a small pot may survive, but it will stay small. It won’t thrive. In order for a plant’s roots to grow deeper and wider, its pot has to have room to allow for that growth. I have learned that there is quite a science to this. The pot needs to be large enough but not too large.
Once again, this is very relatable to a person’s life. I have found over and over again that the environment I am in greatly correlates to my personal growth. If I don’t change my environment by leaving my comfort zone and challenging myself (basically making my pot larger), I don’t grow very much. I remain stuck in fear and old patterns; I don’t give myself room to change and I stunt my growth. While I may survive, I definitely won’t thrive.
Your Turn
Just as a plant needs roots that are deep and wide, and a pot that is the right size, so do we as humans. This will look different for everyone, but it is equally important for us all so that we are able to thrive and grow. As you look at your own life, consider what this means for you personally. Then, I challenge you to take steps that allow your roots to grow deeper and wider. Also, find an environment that is the best for you right now. It will take time, but it is 100% possible! (Let me know how you are applying this post to your daily life in the comments below!)
“…Then you, being rooted and grounded in love, will have power, together with all the saints, to comprehend the length and width and height and depth of the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” -Ephesians 3: 17-19
[…] also anchor the plant and provide support so it doesn’t blow over easily. (Read more about roots here.) Without leaves, a plant couldn’t make food through photosynthesis. Trunks or stems provide […]
[…] out these related blog posts: “Rooted” and ”A Strong […]