Growth and Death I love when plants grow new leaves. Growth in general is such a beautiful experience, and I enjoy having a front row seat to watching my personal plants sprout. Each new leaf starts as a tiny bud, unfurls into a miniature version of its future self, and then continues to get bigger
talk about the hard stuff The biggest thing I’ve realized during my first year of marriage is that people don’t talk about the hard stuff nearly enough. I don’t mean this in a pessimistic way, but in a realistic sense. Getting married was definitely a very happy occasion for my husband and I! We, two
As I wrote in a previous blog post, Tiny Seeds, “[One] thing a seed has to have in order to grow is soil. The type of soil varies based on the seed’s specific needs. Many seeds thrive in dark soil, such as potting soil. Some can live in rocky soil; others, such as baby’s breath,
When you think of the word failure, how would you define it? According to Wikipedia, failure is “the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended outcome, and it may be viewed as the opposite of success,” and Merriam-Webster defines it as “falling short.” No matter how a person explains failure, it typically
Take a Moment to Consider How do you react to those around you that are different from you? This could be any difference or diversity. Do you judge them? Ignore them? Is your tendency to bash them on social media or gossip about them to your friends? Or do you choose to celebrate diversity in some way?
Plants and the Body of Christ If you thought I was done comparing plants and people, you were wrong. The Lord uses many things in everyday life to teach me, but He often uses plants. As I was halfway watching a Dr. Binocs video about plants while at work, it mentioned how plants have many
I have two dogs that officially became mine when I married my husband in September. The oldest is Otis, a cocker spaniel, and the youngest is Cash, a miniature pinscher. Between the two of them, I have experienced a myriad of emotions, but at the end of the day I love them to pieces! When
All plants start off as tiny seeds. Even the already-blooming plants you can buy at the store were once a seed. All seeds are similar, but they have differences too. People are the same. Our Beginning As humans, we are all very different. We have different skin and hair, we have different personality traits, we
I have chosen a word at the beginning of each new year for several years. My word for 2020 was “bloom”, and my word for 2021 was “rest”. My words for this year, 2022, are “balance” and “renewal”. Choosing my words for the year is not a big mystical thing for me. It is something
When I was on the World Race, I was walking with a friend one day, and I made a comment about having bad knees like my mom does. She told me not to say things like that because my words are powerful, and sometimes we can even speak things into existence. This was a concept