Hey y’all! Welcome to my new and improved blog site! I am LITERALLY so excited you are here!!! I developed a passion for blogging when I went on an 11 month mission trip called the World Race! (side note: If you’re ever interested in reading the blog posts I wrote while on that trip, you
One of my closest friends from my college years, author Rachelle Rea Cobb, has a new book being released in 2020! Based on her prior series, The Steadfast Love series, I know this book is going to be amazing! I absolutely can’t wait!!! Check out this beautiful cover! ***About Follow the Dawn Anna Emory grew
Currently reading: The Circle Maker (I HIGHLY recommend this book!) Currently listening to: Today I’ve been listening to Mass Anthem, and I’m loving them! Currently watching: I’ve been re-watching Parenthood for a few weeks now…it’s just as good as the first time! Current project: Today I bought my first bullet journal! I’ll keep you updated on what
On an ordinary September day, twelve-year-old Jack is swept away in a freak neighborhood flood. His parents and younger sister are left to wrestle with the awful questions: How could God let this happen? And, Can we ever be happy again? They each fall into the abyss of grief in different ways. And in the days
This may seem like a strange title for a blog. (side note: this was the title for my very first blog) But for me, it’s not at all! Grace has become sort of the theme for my life recently. I am human and make mistakes…but I am a child of God and He shows me