grace multiplied even more

This may seem like a strange title for a blog. (side note: this was the title for my very first blog) But for me, it’s not at all!

Grace has become sort of the theme for my life recently. I am human and make mistakes…but I am a child of God and He shows me GRACE! He ultimately showed me grace by sending Jesus to die for me, but he has continued to show it to me each and every day since then. It blows my mind, it really does, but it also strengthens and inspires me.

Grace does not give me freedom to sin, but it does mean that God won’t stop loving me when I do. And I need to show this same grace to those around me each day. So like this phrase is (was) the title for my blog, it is also the “title” for my life.

…But where sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more.” -Romans 5:20

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