This is a photo of 3 people talking. It represents a conversation I failed to have, a missed opportunity.

A Missed Opportunity, or Two

A Missed Opportunity

Today, as I was leaving Kroger, a man by the exit asked me if I was a nurse. I said yes, while continuing to slowly leave the store. Then he said the kindest thing! He thanked me for being a nurse, something very few people have ever done, and never a random stranger in the supermarket. I thanked him and went to my car. As I was unloading my groceries, I kept replaying the moment in my head. I was so moved by what he said and the compassion he showed…but I was equally ashamed by the fact that I couldn’t even completely stop while he talked to me, let alone start a conversation with him. Instead, I let myself be in too much of a hurry, and I missed a God-given opportunity to reciprocate a little kindness to this man.

I sat in my car and said a prayer for the man, but it didn’t feel like enough. I decided I couldn’t leave the parking lot without going back inside and properly thanking the man and letting him know how much his comment meant to me. As I was going back inside, I saw the man, but this time he wasn’t alone. For this reason, I became a little embarrassed and shy, and once again I walked away. I missed a second God-given opportunity to show kindness not only to the man, but also the young boy who was with him.

There’s No Shame

I tell this story not to shame anyone, but just to remind you (and myself) to slow down a little. God will place people in our paths, but if we are going through life in a hurry we will fail to notice them or choose not to acknowledge them. God is never too busy for me, and I don’t want to ever be too busy for anyone else. As I go through each day, I don’t want my focus to be on things like where I’m going next or what my next task is. I want my focus to be on the people around me whoever they may be. Learn from my missed opportunities, and I will be doing the same!

(Sometimes, even when you have the conversation, it doesn’t turn out as planned. Read about an awkward conversation I had while on the World Race.)

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