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Summer Book Reviews

Unfortunately, summer was not a reading season for me, so my summer book reviews are somewhat lacking. I began a new job at the beginning of June, and now work 5-6 days a week. I don’t have many full off days, and I have a shorter commute. All of these changes mean I didn’t have much time to devote to reading. I also found myself in a rut when I started a book that I just couldn’t get into. Thankfully, I’ve been able to balance my time better recently to include more time to read and listen to books, so be prepared for many more book reviews coming in the fall!

Last Girl Gone

Author: J.G. Hetherton // Narrator: Laura Jennings

Last Girl Gone by J.G. Hetherton

The first book I finished this summer was another twisty-turny psychological thriller! It went back and forth between stories, but it connected all the pieces beautifully at the end. This book kept me guessing, and the ending was another I never saw coming! I would definitely recommend this book if you enjoy psychology and seeing how our pasts affect our present lives.

The Silent Patient *****

Author: Alex Michaelides // Narrator: Jack Hawkins and Louise Brealey

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

This book has become super popular, and the description did have me intrigued, although I was worried it was going to be creepy based on the cover. But, this book was definitely worth the hype surrounding it! I loved the psychology aspect, the twists and turns, the many layers, and the ending was a shock! 10/10 recommend!

On The Come Up

Author: Angie Thomas

On The Come Up by Angie Thomas

I didn’t know what to expect from this book, but it was popular on Book of the Month, and I’ve been trying to expand my reading, so I thought “Why not?”. I have to say, I enjoyed this book for several reasons! One thing I liked was getting a closer look at the life of a present-day African-American teenage girl, her many struggles, some of which I could relate to and many of which I couldn’t.  Another aspect I liked was the deeper meaning of figuring out who you are in a world where there are so many messages being yelled at you from all sides. Overall, I would recommend this book to older teenagers and adults. (It did contain language and crude content, but that was a large part of the harsh reality the book talked about.)

Little Women

Author: Louisa May Alcott // Narrator: Laura Dean and a full cast

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

I’m not sure I’ve ever read this entire book, so I decided it was about time. I did love the nostalgia it brought, but I had a hard time getting engaged in the beginning. It did get better as the story progressed, especially when the romances started! All in all, it was a sweet story I’m glad I read!

Related posts: Winter Book Reviews; Spring Book Reviews

What were your favorite summer reads??? Leave a comment below!



Summer Book Reviews, stack of books, cup of tea, plants



  1. I like reading when I make the time. I like psychological thrillers. I’ll be adding “Last Gone Girl” to my TBR pile.

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