His Eyes Are On The Sparrow

I wish I could tell you all you’ll only ever have good times, but unfortunately I can’t. We live in an imperfect world filled with not so good times, also. In those moments you can choose to wallow or you can look around for encouragement.

The Good

A few weeks ago, I graduated from Charleston Southern University with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree! It was May 9th to be exact. The day before, I had my pinning ceremony, which is a ceremony for nursing students. Both of these were days filled with joy and promise and excitement. Soon after, I moved in to my first official home, which was fun. I finally got to decorate my own space, and I live with two great women. (Oh, and we have a dog!) These are the good times.


The not so good

But now, weeks later, reality is starting to set in…and it’s not exactly all I imagined it would be. There are days when I feel like a complete failure, because I’m not where I want to be. With graduation comes the NCLEX (a test I have to take to officially be a licensed RN) and finding a job. I have struggled to balance working with free time and keeping up my momentum as I study and prepare for what is to come. I have also struggled with learning to manage my money, especially in a period of transitioning into a new (but temporary) job.

This picture is of a red sign that says "For Hire". It represents the not so good times I was dealing with after graduation.

Things have been difficult, and the excitement from graduation has definitely started to wear off. I have had promising news, as I did get a medical job! But, I have had setbacks too, as I won’t be able to start as soon as I originally thought. Facing a future of unknown means making tough decisions. Overall, it has been a very stressful time of life for this very type A personality. These are the not so good times.

Finding Encouragement

 But today, despite the not so great news I have received, I have also been so encouraged.

I read an article written by one of my close friends about finding direction in life. I listened as my mom read a devotion to my grandfather about having trials before triumph. And finally, I read a devotion of my own about experiencing holy joy in the midst of earthly sorrow.

God’s eyes are on the sparrow, and His eyes are on me. Things may seem bleak now, but God sees the big picture, and these momentary trials will make the triumph that much sweeter.

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