This is a picture of 3 pink tulips. It shows all their parts, from bloom to roots.

Am I Valuable?

Plants and the Body of Christ

If you thought I was done comparing plants and people, you were wrong. The Lord uses many things in everyday life to teach me, but He often uses plants. As I was halfway watching a Dr. Binocs video about plants while at work, it mentioned how plants have many parts and each part is valuable and has a special function…just like the body. When I heard that, I was reminded of the passage in 1 Corinthians 12 about the Body of Christ; it was like a light bulb turned on in my mind! 

The Body of Christ is not a new concept for me. It’s something I’ve heard about since I was a kid. In fact, while I participated in marching band, we read the aforementioned passage every week before our competitions. I’ve always understood that just like the human body has many parts, so does the Body of Christ. And each part is both different and necessary. Each part has value. Although I understood it, I think it was while I was on the World Race that the concept truly began to click for me. I now realize that, for me at least, a plant is the perfect comparison!

Most Valuable or Just Most Visible?

When you think of a plant, you typically think of the blooms, their bright colors or unique shapes. Sometimes it seems that they are the only important part of the plant. But are the blooms actually the most valuable part of a plant?

Or are they  just the most visible?

This picture is of a variety of colorful flowers, mostly red, pink, and purple.

This is a photo of a plant with green and yellow leaves in a white pot. The background is blue and white.
















We need all parts of the plant. The roots are needed to absorb water and minerals from soil and store those things for future use. They also anchor the plant and provide support so it doesn’t blow over easily. (Read more about roots here.) Without leaves, a plant couldn’t make food through photosynthesis. Trunks or stems provide strength and support to other parts of the plant, store food, and transport food, water, and minerals all around the plant. And blooms (or flowers) help in pollination and further reproduction. Each part of the plant is needed and has a unique purpose. 

Needed and Unique

It is the same for the Body of Christ.

I relate blooms to certain types of personalities or parts of the Body, specifically outgoing people or those that are gifted teachers or evangelists. It may be something different for you. Are these people truly the most valuable parts of the Body?

Or are they just more visible?

This picture is of a group of people talking to one another. It represents outgoing people.

Outgoing people are usually comfortable in large crowds. They may approach groups and interact with ease…but they may not seem approachable to everyone. But quieter, more introverted people may like smaller groups or even working one-on-one with someone. They may not jump into the middle of the dance circle…but they may notice the person who is sitting all alone on the sidelines. This is just one example, one that I have experienced personally. 

While in Honduras, many of my “social butterfly” World Race teammates jumped right into a jump rope contest with a group of kids. I held back, feeling out of my element. It was then I noticed a smaller group of kids sitting to the side, and I went to them and we drew pictures in the dirt. It felt insignificant then, but the Lord used that moment to teach me so much about myself and eventually the Body of Christ as a whole. Each part of the Body is needed and has a unique purpose.

This is a group of girls in Honduras sitting on the sidelines instead of playing. The quiet person who notices them may ask "Am I valuable?".

Visibility does not equal value. Being visible does not mean being better than what is not as easily seen. Just as blooms are not the most important part of the plant, neither is <fill in the blank> the most important part of the Body of Christ. Your personality is special. Your gifts are special. You are special. You, just as you were created, are needed and have a unique purpose.


This image contains the title of the post, Am I Valuable?, on a golden yellow background. There is a picture of red, pink, and purple flowers.


  1. Great post and analogies here. It’s so important to connect with the parts and purpose we are given as individuals and as a whole ❤️

  2. Loved your post. I will be sharing this post with my daughter, I know she will love it.

    1. I’m so glad you loved it, and thank you for sharing! I hope she enjoys it as well!

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