This is a picture of orange and white fireworks against a black background. They represent celebrating the small things in life.

Celebrate the Small Things

It’s no secret that life is hard, and I think it just gets harder as we approach the end of a year. The time changes and days grow shorter. Holidays are right around the corner, and while they bring fun, they can also bring a lot of stress. There are goals to accomplish at work before the new year starts. And, there is pressure to finish the year well, whatever that means! 

It is fitting that Thanksgiving is also during this time, because it provides such a beautiful reminder of what we have in our lives. It is a season to celebrate the small things, the good things in the midst of the hard. Yes, we should do this all the time, but even more so when life seems determined to push us down and keep us there.

(For more about gratitude, read “A Lifestyle of Gratitude”.)  

So, what does this practice actually look like? There are many ways you can go about it, but this year I chose to use the senses to remind me of things I have to be thankful for. Keep reading to get a glimpse into the days leading up to Thanksgiving and the small things that I found to celebrate! 

  • Sweet toddlers in WaumbaLand (the children’s environment where I volunteer at my church)
  • Students smiling and waving when they see me in the halls
  • Dancing with the Stars
  • The last days of fall decorations

This is a photo of fall decor on top of a wooden cabinet. On the left side, there is a lit candle, glowing orange in a jar. The wooden top of the jar is sitting beside it. Beside the candle is an orange pumpkin, a white wooden square sign with a black B on it, and 3 small pumpkins on a small wooden stool. The pumpkins are orange, sage, and white. The sign is sitting slightly behind the pumpkins.

  • Fall candles
  • Coffee brewing in the morning (Shameless plug: I use a Nespresso or a Keurig coffee maker!)

This is a photo of a red metal coffee percolator sitting on a stove eye. You can tell that the stove is on, because the eye has a blue ring. The smell of coffee brewing is a small thing that I celebrated.

  • The Popcast: “Please Advise 6 with Emily P. Freeman” (episode 547)
  • Laughter
  • A few touching compliments
  • When it’s quiet outside and all you hear is the breeze blowing through the trees

This is a picture of a group of 3 women standing side by side. They are each smiling or laughing. The picture is slightly out of focus, there is an orange glow in the bottom left corner, and the photo is taken from slightly below the women looking up at them.

  • Thanksgiving food
  • Peppermint chip milkshake from Chick-fil-a
  • Cinnamon dulce de leche latte from Refuge Coffee

This is photo collage on a background of gray and white. On the left is a picture of a peppermint milkshake from Chick-fil-a. The cup is white with red snowflakes and it says “Share the Merry”. You see white whipped cream and a red straw at the top. It is taped to the background at the top. On the right is a picture of a black to-go coffee cup that says “Refuge Coffee Co.”. It is taped the background at the bottom. These are two things I tasted this week that I am thankful for.

  • Soft blankets
  • Cozy sweatshirts
  • Cuddling with our dog

This is a picture of a dark brown dog lying underneath a light gray fuzzy blanket. All you see is the dog’s head. There is also part of an orange and tan pillow behind the dog’s head.

Outside the Box
  • Meeting a goal at work despite setbacks
  • Breakthroughs at counseling
  • A fun dinner with my small group
  • I don’t have lice!

This is a picture of multiple orange and brown leaves that forms an arch on a brown paper background. In the top left corner there is a glass and rusted metal lantern. In the middle right “give thanks” is written in black cursive.


The practice of gratitude or celebrating the small things doesn’t take away the difficult or discount it in any way. What it does do is save you from drowning in negativity. It reframes your perspective a little by showing you that the glass isn’t just lacking in water or completely empty. There is ALWAYS good in life, always something to celebrate! Sometimes we just have to take the time to look around and notice it!

📣 YOUR TURN! Take time to celebrate the small things in your life this week! What is something you found to be thankful for? Let me know in the comments or reach out on social media (links below)!

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