Are You Listening to Your Body?

What Does It Mean to Listen to Your Body? Did you know that your body is talking to you? I know that sounds a little crazy, but it actually has quite a bit to say. Are you listening to your…

Community Matters

As I wrote in a previous blog post, Tiny Seeds, “[One] thing a seed has to have in order to grow is soil. The type of soil varies based on the seed’s specific needs. Many seeds thrive in dark soil,…

The Importance of Failure

When you think of the word failure, how would you define it? According to Wikipedia, failure is “the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended outcome, and it may be viewed as the opposite of success,” and…

Ideas for Mental Health Month and Beyond

Ideas for Mental Health Month May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, a time of the year when we become more aware of how many people struggle with mental health. If you want ideas for Mental Health Month, I recommend…