This is a picture of someone holding a white rectangular sign that says “grateful” in black capital letters. All you see is one of the person’s hands.

A Lifestyle of Gratitude

  • What is Gratitude?

Gratitude is defined as “the state of being grateful” and “thankfulness”. It becomes a buzzword this time of year since Thanksgiving falls in November, but did you know that this month is also Gratitude Month? Gratitude not an uncommon word, and I’m sure you know what it means to be thankful or grateful for the things in your life. It may seem like a simple concept, but having a lifestyle of gratitude is very important and has major benefits!

This is a picture of a girl standing in a field of tall grass or wheat. She is looking up at the sky with her hands raised. The picture is sepia tones. This picture represents someone who has an attitude of gratitude.

What are the Benefits of Being Grateful?

Having an attitude of gratitude can have a big impact on your life. Obviously it doesn’t take away all of your problems, but it does help to shift your perspective. Over time, you start to notice the good things around you, big and small, more often and with less effort. Practicing gratitude leads to more joy, especially if it is something you do regularly. Not only is this something that I’ve heard about from others, but it’s something I’ve also experienced in my own life! (Check out One Thousand Gifts by Anne Voskamp to learn more!)

How Do You Develop a lifestyle of Gratitude?

Developing a lifestyle of gratitude may come easily to you, but for me, it is not always natural. I am the type of person that tends to see the glass half empty, and if I let myself, I will live in that negative space…meaning all I will see is the bad and the hard and the lack. And, while there is plenty of that in the world, staying in that place is not fun or healthy.

So how do you develop a lifestyle of gratitude?

This is a picture of a light pink notebook that says “Today I am grateful” in gold font on the front. There is a black and white polka dotted notebook behind it, and a gold pen to the left of the pink notebook. There is a stem with green leaves at the top of the picture. It represents a way to practice having an attitude of gratitude.

I have practiced gratitude in various ways over the years, but it is something I always have to be intentional about. While on the World Race, I read One Thousand Gifts during Month 4 of the trip in Nicaragua. It was perfect timing, because my team stayed in the bush of Africa in Month 5. I started making a list of 1,000 things I was grateful for; I began the list while reading the book and continued until I reached 1,000.

In other seasons, I have taken time to find things I am thankful for, but on a less consistent basis. Sometimes I will write them down, or sometimes I will just take a mental note. I like to use the “Day One Journal” app to keep track of what I notice, but you could also write them in a journal, a note-taking app, or even your planner.

This is a picture of a person, writing in a notebook. The paper is white and the ink is black. You mainly see the person’s hands, but he or she does have black hair and black pants.

Earlier this year, I read Anne Voskamp’s devotional based on the above book, and I started making another list of 1,000 gifts. I am done reading the devotional, but I still add to my list, currently kept in a note on my phone until I transfer them to the book. If you feel overwhelmed by the thought of finding 1,000 things, don’t set a number. Just start with one thing you are grateful for and go from there! (For more about the impact this book had on me, read “10 Ways to Fight the Winter Blues”.)

Is Gratitude just for November?

People often talk or post on social media about what they’re grateful for in November. As I mentioned before, this is likely to celebrate Thanksgiving throughout the month. This is a great place to start, and looking for something to be thankful for each day in November can help kickstart the habit of gratitude. 

But, gratitude is not just for November!

This is a picture of, what appears to be, a Thanksgiving meal. There is pumpkin pie on the right side with one slice cut out of it. Someone has a fork and knife held above the pie. Another person on the left is holding a glass with a pinkish-purple drink in it. In the lower right corner there is a loaf of bread on a white towel. The food is on a wooden surface with multi-colored leaves scattered around.

Don’t stop finding reasons to be grateful once December 1st hits. Continue the practice and create a lifestyle of gratitude. As I said before, I’ve found that when I am consistent with the practice of gratitude that it becomes easier to see things I have to be thankful for.

What are You Grateful for Today?

I encourage you to take a moment and look at your day; find one thing you’re grateful for. Write it down, and do the same tomorrow and the next day and the next. You will begin to develop an attitude of gratitude, and that will lead to a lifestyle shift. Now is the perfect time to get started, because November is Gratitude Month and Thanksgiving is right around the corner!

What is one thing you are grateful for today? Let me know by leaving a comment or sharing it with me on social media!


  1. I am grateful to have met the entire World Race Team when you all landed in El Salvador for your first month away. It was so fun and a privilege to be able to work with MQV and you. It was an amazing time that is reflected in the life long friendships I have made through all of you. I have and do love being included in your lives and it brings me joy to know and see how all of you have grown in faith and love and still show God’s love to others. 😍

    1. I’m also grateful we met and were able to work with you during our time there! It’s been so special to continue talking with you and following your journey over the years!

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