This is a picture of a planner open to the November calendar. It is handwritten, and several days have events scheduled. Coffee in a white mug is sitting on top.

Living An Intentional Life

My Word for 2023

At the end of every year, I choose a word that I want to represent the year to come. My words for 2022 were renewal and balance. (You can read more in “My Words for the Year”.) As 2022 came to a close, I began to think about my word for 2023, and I chose intentional. This word stuck out to me as I reflected about 2022, a year that was full of fun memories, but also one where I was tired and burned out when it ended. I knew that I didn’t want to leave 2023 in the same way; I also knew that would take me living an intentional life. 

This is a photo of a sign that says New Year, written on black paper in white letters. There are also fireworks drawn on the sign. The sign, on a wooden background, is surrounded by pine branches.

Living an Intentional Life

Intentional is defined as “done by intention (‘a determination to act in a certain way’) or design”; some synonyms are deliberate, purposeful, and planned. As I reflected on this word, I asked myself, “What does it actually mean to live an intentional life?”. Not in theory, but for me personally. To answer that question, I first took time to look back at 2022, determining what worked well and what I needed to change. 

This is a picture of scrabble letters that spell out Dream, Plan, Act. It represents the definition of intentional.

There were many things in both categories, but the biggest change I wanted to make in the new year was being intentional about how I used my time. I didn’t want to go places and do things out of obligation. I didn’t want to simply fill my calendar, even in the name of fun…I wanted to put more thought into my yeses and my nos.

Was I “Successful”?

It is now December 2023, and the year is almost over. It is that time where I start to ask myself those above questions. “What went well this year? What do I need to change moving forward?” As part of my reflection, I want to determine how well I lived an intentional life.  

Overall, I think there were times I was very intentional with my time, especially in the beginning of 2023. But, as the year progressed, I found myself getting caught up in doing more and more. Despite lapses at times, I did catch myself both using the word “intentional” and thinking about the concept more. I realized how integral it is to every single part of my life

This is a picture of an open journal. It shows 2 white pages, a black ribbon bookmark in the middle, and a pencil on the right side. Journaling is a way to reflect about living an intentional life.

It isn’t Easy

I found living an intentional life is hard because there are many factors involved. For me specifically, I am newly (ish) married and want to spend a lot of quality time with my husband. Both my family and my husband’s family live over 3 hours from us, so we have to travel to see them. I have many groups of friends that I hang out with. I volunteer at my church several times each month and attend a small group once a week. Lastly, I need to take regular time for myself. 

All of that is life-giving, people and things I truly enjoy and value. It also means that my schedule can very easily fill to the brim. 

This is a picture of people walking on a street. Parts of the picture are blurred to show motion and create a hurried feeling. This is how I feel if I am not living an intentional life.

Not allowing my schedule to become constantly packed is difficult for me because I want to spend time with my people and do things that bring me joy. I also don’t like feeling like I’m letting people down by saying no to an invitation. I’m realizing that sometimes you have to say no to something that sounds fun, and at times people may feel disappointed by your decisions. 

Moving Forward

As I decide what I need to change in the coming year, I need to start by looking at my current commitments. Am I overextended? Which ones are most important to me? Next, I can create a set of questions or criteria to filter plans through. I want to make sure that I am only committing to things I need or truly want to do. Finally, I have to become more comfortable saying no to things that will overextend me, things I am doing out of obligation. I have to set boundaries and stick to them even when it’s painful. 

I’m not sure if I will choose a new word for 2024. Even if I do, I know I want to continue living an intentional life.

This is a picture of a yellow sign with a black arrow pointing to the right on it. The sign is hanging off a wooden fence, and there are 3 small plants in silver metal buckets underneath.

Do you live an intentional life? If so, in what ways? If not, what is an area of your life you can be more purposeful about? I would love to hear your thoughts, either in a comment below or on one of my social media accounts! 


  1. Intentional sounds like a wonderful word to describe how 2023 was. It sounds like it was a year of a lot of growth for you Wishing you the best in 2024.

    1. Thank you! I wish the same for you! Did you have a word for 2023?

  2. Thanks for sharing this with us, and I love your word! I guess mine would be awakening, definitive set the foundations for a more “intentional” life.

    1. I love that word! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I loved hearing about your experience! It’s so hard to be intentional but so important. It’s a great word to live!

    1. Thank you for reading! Do you choose a word for the year?

  4. I have not been living as intentionally as I thought. Turns out, intentional living requires work.

    This year I’d like to be more intentional with my mindfulness routine. I know I am a much better human when I do.

    1. It’s definitely not easy! But thankfully, every day is a new day to be intentional in some way! I love that you want to be intentional with mindfulness!

  5. Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for checking it out!

  6. […] (To read about my word for 2023, check out Living an Intentional Life.) […]

  7. Intentional was my word for 2023. I wish I had read your post earlier – it would have helped me really get into the spirit of “intentional living”. Thanks for sharing!

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