This is a picture of a house with white wooden siding and a red metal roof. It likely has a strong foundation as it is made of rock. The house has two hanging baskets of flowers, one on each side of the door, and has various plants and rocks in front.

A Strong Foundation

A foundation is “a basis upon which something stands or is supported”, “an underlying base or support”, and “a body or ground upon which something is built up or overlaid”. Some synonyms are “support”, “backbone”, “cornerstone”, “base”, and “core”. It is something we have likely all heard of, as every house has one. Foundations can be made of different kinds of materials and have a variety of forms. They are made to bear the load of the house. Also, they provide the house support and protection against water and other substances. (“3 Most Common House Foundations…”) Yet, not every foundation is a strong foundation.

This is a picture of a building’s foundation, taken from above. The foundation is built of some type of stone and is surrounded by dirt. It represents the foundation you build for your life.

A Strong Foundation

Buildings are not the only things that have foundations. People also have figurative foundations, ideas and beliefs that we build our lives on. Our foundations determine everything about us, our personalities, our actions, etc.. They provide us hope, keep us moving forward…or eventually lead to us crumbling. This is why what we build our lives on is so important! (Related post: “Rooted”.)

Just as for a house, every person’s foundation is also not a strong foundation.

Rock or Sand

In the Bible, Jesus teaches us why it is so vital for both a house and a person to have a strong foundation. He says if we build our house (or our life) on a foundation of sand, it will easily fall when a storm comes. But, if we build on rock, our house will stand even in the midst of the torrent. (Read the full story in Matthew 7: 24-27 or Luke 6: 46-49.)

This is a picture of a storm. The sky is dark gray and black and covered with clouds. There is also a strike of lightning on the left side. The field of grass is also dark and in shadows.

My foundation is my faith in Jesus. This is what my life is built on, what brings me hope and keeps me standing even in the middle of chaos and uncertainty. As someone who struggles with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, I would not have made it to where I am today if my foundation was not Jesus. (Learn more about my mental health struggles here.)

I can say this with certainty, because there have been times when I chose to put my trust in something else or when I let my relationship with Jesus become damaged. In those times, I was more anxious, stressed, depressed, and had breakdowns more often.

I have learned if I am not looking to Jesus, my foundation is not as strong as it could be.

Maintenance Required

Once you build your foundation, you will then move on to building the structure on top, essentially living your life. But, a strong foundation needs to be maintained, otherwise it will weaken over time. As a Christian, I can’t just start a relationship with God, building my proverbial foundation, and then just forget it exists. I have to spend time with God through prayer and reading the Bible, among other things.

This is a picture of a girl by a lake reading a book or the Bible. This represents a way I continue building my strong foundation.

To strengthen your foundation, it is also helpful to find other people with similar beliefs to do life with, people who can encourage you and hold you accountable. This way your foundation will provide even more support and bear more weight than before. (Check out this post for more about the importance of community.)

Questions to Consider

What is your life built on? Is it a strong foundation of rock or a weak foundation of sand? As we start a new year, these are important questions to consider. Or any day, for that matter! Make sure your foundation is serving you well, and remember to continue taking care of it.

How are you maintaining your life foundation this year? To strengthen mine in 2024, one thing I want to do is read through The Story in order to gain a different perspective of the Bible. Let me know your answer by leaving a comment below or through social media!


  1. This post was interesting. I liked the connections you made between the physical and the figurative. Thanks for your insight.

    1. Thanks for reading it! 🙂

  2. Beautiful post! Very uplifting and encouraging. This is my top goal every year, really, to continue building with the Lord on the rock. Check out “The Bible Recap” by Tara Leigh Cobble when you get a chance. You’ll definitely like her study of the bible, putting the focus on God. And continue to share the gospel. You’re doing a wonderful job!

    1. Thank you so much! Your kind words and encouragement mean a lot to me!

      I will definitely check that book out! Love a good recommendation!

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