I have said it before, and I will say it again: failure is not bad. In fact, failure is important for our growth as human beings. Growing up, I would avoid failure as much as I could. But today, I cope with failure in a different way. A Secure Identity The first step I had
“To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least-recognized need of the human soul.” -Simone Weil When I see a plant and begin to think of how it relates to a person’s life, the first thing that comes to my mind is the plant’s roots. One of the main life sources for a plant
Self-care is very important, but especially when you have mental health struggles. As someone who lives with anxiety and depression, these are my top 10 self-care tips for mental health! 1. Rest (get enough sleep and take a full rest day each week) 2. Speak positive truth to yourself throughout the day 3.
Plants are High Maintenance I never thought I would become a “plant lady”. I love nature and have always enjoyed being outside. Being around flowers makes my soul happy. Sure, I even like other people’s plants…and in the past have grown things myself. But, I am a busy person, and to be honest, I struggle
To recap: “The Lord has been teaching me about rest and stillness for a long time, bringing it to my attention before I even realized that’s what He was trying to teach me. … Then, in August, I went to South Carolina to visit my family and we saw the purple martins returning to their
Hey y’all! Welcome to my new and improved blog site! I am LITERALLY so excited you are here!!! I developed a passion for blogging when I went on an 11 month mission trip called the World Race! (side note: If you’re ever interested in reading the blog posts I wrote while on that trip, you
The Lord has been teaching me about rest and stillness for a long time, bringing it to my attention before I even realized that’s what He was trying to teach me. The first time I remember Him sharing a verse with me that talked about being still and letting Him work was a few weeks
Living Like an Israelite When reading about the Israelites journey in the wilderness a few months ago, I found that their behaviors kind of annoyed me. They were constantly doing what they weren’t supposed to do, they were whiny, and they were demanding. I just wanted to take them by the shoulders, give them a
A Missed Opportunity Today, as I was leaving Kroger, a man by the exit asked me if I was a nurse. I said yes, while continuing to slowly leave the store. Then he said the kindest thing! He thanked me for being a nurse, something very few people have ever done, and never a random
To recap: Life is a journey, a windy road full of ups and downs, roadblocks and potholes. You know the destination, but you don’t know when you’ll get there. Sometimes you deal with something along the journey for just a season. Sometimes for several seasons. Sometimes for an indefinite amount of time. For me, the