
Hey y’all! Welcome to my new and improved blog site! I am LITERALLY so excited you are here!!! I developed a passion for blogging when I went on an 11 month mission trip called the World Race! (side note: If…

Be Still

The Lord has been teaching me about rest and stillness for a long time, bringing it to my attention before I even realized that’s what He was trying to teach me. The first time I remember Him sharing a verse…

Cover Reveal: Follow the Dawn

  One of my closest friends from my college years, author Rachelle Rea Cobb, has a new book being released in 2020! Based on her prior series, The Steadfast Love series, I know this book is going to be amazing! I…

I Am An Israelite

Living Like an Israelite When reading about the Israelites journey in the wilderness a few months ago, I found that their behaviors kind of annoyed me. They were constantly doing what they weren’t supposed to do, they were whiny, and…

A Missed Opportunity, or Two

A Missed Opportunity Today, as I was leaving Kroger, a man by the exit asked me if I was a nurse. I said yes, while continuing to slowly leave the store. Then he said the kindest thing! He thanked me…