This is a picture of a woman wearing a black shirt that says "Mental Health Matters" in white block letters.

Ideas for Mental Health Month and Beyond

Ideas for Mental Health Month

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, a time of the year when we become more aware of how many people struggle with mental health. If you want ideas for Mental Health Month, I recommend starting with self-care. I have battled for years with anxiety and depression, and something I’ve learned along the journey is just how important self-care truly is. When you hear “self-care,” you may have a negative view, or you may not. Self-care has become a hot topic phrase and, over time, has led to a few negative stigmas about what it actually means.

This is a photo of a May calendar on a wall. There are also candles, diffuser reeds, and plants. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. This post contains 3 of my ideas for Mental Health Month.

*Read more of my story about Living With Anxiety and Depression: Part 1 and Part 2!



Self-care is defined as “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health; the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” It does not just mean pedicures and spa days, although these are great forms of self-care for some people. When you have any mental illness, day-to-day self-care is vital in maintaining and improving your overall well-being. For me, this means less anxiety (or responding to it more proactively) and decreased risk of a depressive episode. 

The three forms of self-care I have found to be most important are nutrition, rest, and filling my mind with positive truths. When these particular areas are lacking in some way or neglected entirely, my mental health takes a hit, and it becomes obvious. These are just three ideas to implement during Mental Health Month and continue throughout the year.



Good nutrition is always important, especially with a mental health disorder. What you eat affects your brain and body function, including your concentration, memory, and energy levels. It is important to get the proper vitamins and minerals you need by having a balanced diet, including several servings of fruits and veggies. Getting appropriate nutrients can be more of a challenge for some people than others, such as those with a busy life or a major sweet tooth (okay, that’s me!). 

Because of the reasons above, I chose to take a multivitamin to supplement the essential nutrients while still trying to eat plenty of fruits and veggies. (Note: I am not a doctor, so please discuss this with a medical professional first!) Probiotics are also very important, as poor gut health has been shown to affect your mental health. 

This is a picture of a variety of colorful vegetables.

This is a photo of a bowl of colorful mixed fruit. Having good nutrition is an idea for Mental Health Month.





TIP: Smoothies are a great way to get fruits, veggies, and probiotics all in one! To include probiotics in your smoothie, use yogurt or kombucha! 






Rest is another significant factor in mental illness. This includes both sleep and taking time to relax and recharge. Adults need between 6-8 hours of sleep each night. We also need weekly time to take a break and recharge our metaphorical batteries. When I consistently take a day to rest each week, I am less stressed and able to function better the rest of the week. I actually get more done on the other days of the week because I have a greater mental capacity.

Humans are like rechargeable batteries; we only have so much juice within us, and it always runs out eventually. When it does run out, we can’t thrive—trying to run on empty leads to burnout, an increase in anxiety, a higher chance of depression, etc. To keep moving forward healthily, we have to take time to recharge. This time looks different for everyone, so I encourage you to try various activities and take note of how you feel afterward. Do you feel drained? Or do you feel more relaxed and energized?

This is a picture of a man sitting on a bench looking out at a sunny blue sky. Rest is another idea for Mental Health Month.


TIP: Make a list of things you do that make you feel rested. This way, when it’s your weekly rest day, you won’t be scrambling to think of something to do, and you will be less likely to turn to work because you have a plan in place. 

*To learn more about the importance of rest, check out Be Still and Rest Well to Live Well!





The final form of self-care, possibly the most important, is filling your mind with positive truths. As a Christian, I often do this through reading the Bible or a Biblical study. I also use self-affirmations and encouraging quotes. Again, this is unique for each person. Sometimes I read the truth and find that it is enough for the moment, but there are also times when I need to speak it out loud multiple times for it to stick. We are bombarded daily with a million messages from the world, people we know, and even ourselves. Some of these are true, but many of them are not. As you see or hear a message, ask yourself if it is accurate. If it’s not, replace it with the truth right away. If you’re not sure, ask a trusted individual. Fill your mind with truths and not lies.

This is a photo of a countless colorful post-it notes that contain positive messages. They represent truth, the third aspect of self-care for mental health.


TIP: Create a Truth Board on Pinterest or dedicate an album on your phone to motivation and encouragement. When you are faced with a lie or are just having a bad day, you can go to this board and read positive truths right then. For an example, check out my Pinterest Quotes Board.

*For more on this topic, check out Words are Powerful!




I can’t say it enough: taking care of yourself is SO important if you have a mental health disorder! In fact, it’s necessary! This is not just important during Mental Health Month, although that is a great time to start. I have found good nutrition, taking time to rest each week, and speaking truth to myself to be incredibly practical and valuable ways to care for myself as a human, specifically a human with mental health disorders.

Do you have any other ideas for Mental Health Month? What forms of self-care have worked well for you, whether you struggle with a mental illness or not? Let us know in the comments! 

*Find more self-care tips in Top 10 Self-Care Tips for Mental Health!

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