yellow sign that say "You Matter"; it represents the topic of self-care tips for mental health

Top 10 Self-Care Tips for Mental Health

Self-care is very important, but especially when you have mental health struggles. As someone who lives with anxiety and depression, these are my top 10 self-care tips for mental health!

1. Rest

(get enough sleep and take a full rest day each week)

self-care, rest, cat sleeping on a fluffy white blanket; it represents one of my self-care tips for mental health


2. Speak positive truth to yourself throughout the day 

self-care, positive truth, child starting at yellow wall that says believe in yourself


3. Get the proper nutrients

(including water and probiotics)

self-care, nutrition, girl holding a slice of watermelon


4. Get out in the sun to get some much needed Vitamin D

self-care, sunshine, man hiking in the sunshine


5. Move your body some every day

self-care, movement, older people doing yoga; moving your body is another of my self-care tips for mental health


6. Journal

(write, draw, use magazine pictures, etc.)

self-care, journaling


7. Do things you enjoy often

self-care, have fun, Asian woman blowing bubbles; it represents another of my self-care tips for mental health


8. Spend time with people who uplift and encourage you

self-care, community, two people with their arms around each other


9. Make a list of things you are grateful for

self-care, give thanks sign; it represents one of my self-care tips for mental health


10. Listen to music

self-care, listen to music, records and headphones


Bonus self-care tip:

11. Build a relationship with God through reading the Bible, worship, prayer, and church

self-care, relationship with God, black man praying

self-care, relationship with God, person reading and drinking coffee








(Related posts: Living with Anxiety and Depression Part 1 and Part 2)


  1. I love these. Simple reminders that we can control our happiness ❤️ Giving ourself a little love

  2. […] body well? Have you spent time with people you love, or do you need to spend time alone? Check out “Top 10 Self-Care Tips for Mental Health” for a few ideas! As author and speaker Brene Brown said, “It takes courage to say yes to rest and […]

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